
+1 (323) 900-5463

The NEW & surprisingly EASY way to recover the lost purity, intimacy and happiness in your marriage,


return to leading with integrity to the glory of God,

in just 90 days, Without needing Will-Power & with ZERO chance of Relapse.


FREE@last with ReGenesis™


Want help overcoming 'adult content' addiction and experiencing transformation in less than 90 days, while also deepening your spiritual journey with God?⁣

How long have you been trying to quit ‘adult content’ addiction on your own…?

How many more years are you willing to continue to suffer the consequences of your addiction in your personal life, in your marriage, in your ministry, in your business and professional life or career…?

Do you really expect to break free for good from your addiction by continuing to try the very same ‘solutions’ that have not worked all this time…?

For some of you, unfortunately the answer to the last question is ‘yes’.

And my prayer for anyone in this phase, is that the LORD Himself will open your eyes to see where you are headed, and give you the relentless desire and commitment to break free from this destroyer before it's too late.

For those of you who are ready to be delivered from this dark and demeaning habit, you are about to step into your glorious future and with 1000% confidence in your permanent freedom from ‘adult content’ addiction in only 90 days!


This new system, FREE@last with ReGenesis™, is not a quick fix but a comprehensive recovery system built from utilizing the power of God’s Word with the latest scientific research findings in ‘adult content’ addiction recovery and Cognitive Behavior Therapy strategies.

It’s a scientifically-backed, and spiritually guided method born from years of expertise and successful transformations.⁣

FREE@last with ReGenesis™ is not just a coaching program - it's a proven, life-altering journey.

This is what awaits you in FREE@last with ReGenesis™:

Permanent freedom from ‘adult content’ addiction

Renewed focus and productivity⁣

✨ Deeper and more fulfilling relationships⁣

✨ Enhanced personal and spiritual growth⁣

✨ Significant improvements in mental and emotional well-being⁣

✨ A reinvigorated sense of purpose and leadership⁣

If you're wondering, "Can this work for me?", know that our program is tailored to address individual challenges and foster lasting change, regardless of your past experiences with addiction.⁣

But⁣ "What if I've tried everything, and nothing worked?"⁣

The truth is, overcoming deep-rooted addictions requires more than just willpower.

It demands a fundamental paradigm shift and deep identity alignment. And this is where FREE@last with ReGenesis™ is really second to none.

Unlike most recovery programs that use the behavior modification approach, FREE@last with ReGenesis™ utilizes the Identity/Paradigm shift approach, delivering true permanent freedom for our clients instead of managing their triggers for the rest of their lives like with most recovery programs.

⁣Here is your life-altering, life-changing opportunity…

I am opening up a few 'Founding Member' spots over the next few days!

These few people will work directly with me over the next 90 days to guarantee their lasting freedom ‘adult content’ addiction for good.

Here is what’s included:


⁣A comprehensive and interactive journey through our tailored curriculum, complete with personal accountability and community support.


Gain lifetime access to all our top training videos, ensuring you have resources for years ahead.


Beyond group coaching calls each week, you’ll get six private sessions with me to ensure you're on the right track.


Join live classes every week for direct coaching. Each session is recorded for your convenience.


Network with peers in our exclusive group. Here, we have deeper discussions and offer continuous support.


Work closely with a coach who will keep you accountable and guide you through each step of your journey.


We're so confident in our program that we offer a written guarantee, ensuring your peace of mind.


Receive actionable steps each day to steadily guide you towards achieving your goals.


Benefit from daily prayers for you, your family, and your work, ensuring spiritual support throughout your journey.

And to sweeten the deal even more…⁣


🎁Special Founding Member Bonuses:

✅ Receive absolutely for FREE the Bundle of all 5 books on the recommended reading list shipped out to you. (Valued at $100)

✅ Get extra 6 1-On-1 Coaching Sessions for FREE (Valued at a total of $1,500)

✅ Receive our custom anointed white glove intervention accessory for FREE (Valued at $70)

100% Money-Back Guarantee if promised results is not achieved.

My goal with this special Founding Member offer is to create our next wave of victorious Christian leaders and individuals who have triumphantly overcome 'adult content' addiction for good.

I'm dedicated to continuously producing success stories that break records and change lives at the highest level.

So, I've made this special offer IRRESISTIBLE for the next few days, as a token of gratitude to those who place their trust in us to guide them by our program through the amazing grace of God.

I'm lowering my initial price at launch and adding a collection of powerful bonuses to make this more accessible and a no-brainer to those individuals who are truly ready to be free now.

If you’ve ever wanted to regain control of your life, restore your relationships, regain purity, find deeper spiritual connection, and break free from the chains of 'adult content' addiction, just like many others in our community, the time is now!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Enrollment in FREE@last with ReGenesis™ is by invitation only. Owning a debit or credit card doesn’t guarantee automatic entry.

I'm committed to working with individuals who I believe can truly benefit from and contribute to our transformative system.

If you don’t get invited in, know that it's because I want the absolute best for you and your journey.

If you’re interested in becoming one of the ‘Founding Members’ of FREE@last with ReGenesis™ and receiving these limited-time bonuses, click the blue button below and schedule you triage call now.👇

I'll personally speak with on a 10-15 minutes zoom call to determine if you’re a suitable candidate for an invitation to participate in the program.

We’ll clarify if FREE@last with ReGenesis™ is the right fit for you and outline what working together would look like.

Looking forward to helping you achieve a lifetime of freedom and fulfillment.​

Onward and upward,

​Lead Coach David & the FREE@last Team.

Download our 9-Step Roadmap NOW...!

Our Unique approach guarantees your FREEDOM from "adult content" addiction in just 90 days—

Without reliance on sheer willpower, and with ZERO relapse probability, so you regain the lost purity in your life, intimacy and joy in your marriage,

and return to leading with integrity, to the glory of God.

you will celebrate

your FREEdom from porn 4 good,

in 90 days or less...

We cannot wait to get you started...!

Schedule your FREEDOM Call below to find out how PornFREE@last can help you QUIT Porn Permanently in the next 90 days or less,

...without accountability partners, monitoring apps or repressive therapy, so YOU can live with 100% integrity, love, respect & purity!

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PornFREE@last Copyright 2024® - 300 Long Beach Blvd, Long Beach CA 90802